Custom Hybrid Fuzz Face AC188

120 €

Por spoontex el 14/04/2024 en Baleares

Expiración: 29/12/2024 | Visto 416 veces

Fuzz Face of our own design and handmade with Germanium NOS transistors. The transistors have been selected and tested by hand with an Atlas DCA55.

This Fuzz mounts 2N3906 Silicon and AC188 Germanium transistors with very low leakage and very stable.

This pedal has some modifications.

1.- Tone control.

2.- It also mounts a pickup simulator + input buffer. The pickup simulator is a little audio transformer that adjusts the input impedance, so you don't have to worry about where to put the fuzz in the effects chain, you can "clean" anywhere in the chain.

3.- Adjustment of the BIAS by means of internal trimmers.

You can enable true bypass or pickup simulator via internal jumpers.

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