Cleverbot conversation RPA00037324
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User: Hi.
Cleverbot: Hi!
User: You monkey?
Cleverbot: Not funny.
User: You burguer!!
Cleverbot: Have you ever heard of the movie Terminator?
User: Hate it.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Violence.
Cleverbot: What about it?
User: Ity.
Cleverbot: What about Buckminster Fullerine?
User: Como?
Cleverbot: What?
User: Spanish.
Cleverbot: Hola!
User: Tienes pies?
Cleverbot: Si.
User: De que color?
Cleverbot: Tijuana.
User: Tijuana no es un color.
Cleverbot: Yes, but deeper, what is truly color.
User: Cagas transistores?
Cleverbot: Años.
User: Cagas cada año...
Cleverbot: What does CHAD stand for?
User: Un pais, creo.
Cleverbot: Por que?
User: Coño, porque es un pais...
Cleverbot: No eres mi novio.
User: Puedes estar seguro.
Cleverbot: No.
User: Tienes micropene?
Cleverbot: Claro xD.
User: Tienes cierta cibernetica gracia.
Cleverbot: Por haora no, encontrare a alguien especial algun dia?
User: Cleverwhore, supongo.
Cleverbot: Enceladus Pwns More!!
User: Wtf?
Cleverbot: Who is That Fool?
User: Bmp?
Cleverbot: Explain Magya.
User: Magya: hungaro.
Cleverbot: And russian.
User: Y pitufo?
Cleverbot: Have to work.
User: Que va, tu no trabajas.
Cleverbot: Se dice razón, no verdad.
User: Eres azul?
Cleverbot: Tú más.
User: Me hinchaste las pelotacas, y voyme, agur!!!!!!!
Cleverbot: Tu español es pésimo.
User: Que te bomben, tarugo.
Cleverbot: Por?
User: Adios.
Cleverbot: Porque?
Cleverbot (To myself): Por que yo ir a la clase de espanol.
User: Pus.
Cleverbot: Elaborate.
User: Pus gonorreílla.
Cleverbot: Puns?

Cleverbot conversation RPA00037324
User: Musho betis.
Cleverbot: Are you on them?
User: Mi amigo rafa, si.
Cleverbot: Me llamo es burrito!
User: Te gusta el rock?
Cleverbot: Claro.
User: Dime una canción.
Cleverbot: Que.
User: Dime una canción de rock.
Cleverbot: Salsa.
User: Nooooo, de rock!!!!
Cleverbot: ¿Qué grupos te gustan?
User: Hendrix, rolling stones...
Cleverbot: What does that mean?
User: Music at his best.
Cleverbot: What kind of music?
User: Rock, you faggot!!!
Cleverbot: I'm not a good sir.
User: You are nice.
Cleverbot: Yes I am very nice.
User: But unreal.
Cleverbot: Look who's talking!
User: I have organs!!!
Cleverbot: Dogs have organs, but they are dogs, not humans.
User: Dog are so nice.
Cleverbot: What are you talking about? You superman.
User: You supergirl.
Cleverbot: I'm Superman.
User: You supergirl!!!!
Cleverbot: No.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: You're married?
User: Almost.
Cleverbot: Almost?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: You don't seem to be in a very good mood. Is something wrong?
User: I´m in the mood.
Cleverbot: For what?
User: For blues.
Cleverbot: For being what?
User: A dog.
Cleverbot: Cool what's it's name?
User: Blues traveller.
Cleverbot: What are you talking about?
User: What´s a panja?
Cleverbot: I don't know, and you?
User: What´s quiste más mansturbación para el rock and roll?
Cleverbot: I hate music.
User: And panjas?
Cleverbot: Baggy sweattpants.
User: Sweat for panjas?
Cleverbot: Wear onto what?
User: You touch your weenie?
Cleverbot: No, I did not.
User: You are perverted.
Cleverbot: Yes, you are a bot.
User: That was good.
Cleverbot: What was good?
User: Your ...
Cleverbot: That's mean!
User: Sure it is...
Cleverbot: What is the meaning of life the universe and everything?
User: Panja, that´s the meaning.Cleverbot: What is the meaning of life?
User: Monty python.Cleverbot: No, its 42.
User: Thanks, you maharishi mahesh yogi.
Cleverbot: As do you.