tiembla sigur ros!
Justin Bieber ralentizado un 800%
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Harley Benton DNAfx GiT
-17%PRS SE CE 24 BR
-7%BOSS RE-202 Space Echo
ThirdEye escribió:
tiembla sigur ros!
wAAAAAAAAAAAAH, es música celestial compañero:shock:.
Está como para fumar chiruza viajar por el tiempo, y entre varias dimensiones. Creo que he cnocido el logos del universo con lo que acabas de postear.
Es uno de los mejores posts musicales que he visto en Guitarristas.info.
Un saludo:ok:
En youtube, morí con este comentario al video:
"Justin Bieber is actually a musical genius with a keen sense of irony. He makes gorgeous backing tracks to movies dressed up as shitty merch pop music to combine 2 layers of consumerism into one biting social commentary that nobody's caught on to. He's also actually a 29 year old art school grad. And wears a wig to hide his premature baldness. And secretly has a dick."
"Justin Bieber is actually a musical genius with a keen sense of irony. He makes gorgeous backing tracks to movies dressed up as shitty merch pop music to combine 2 layers of consumerism into one biting social commentary that nobody's caught on to. He's also actually a 29 year old art school grad. And wears a wig to hide his premature baldness. And secretly has a dick."
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