El Rincon del Gamer.

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#13 por cangri2k5 el 24/02/2011
Pc: Age of Empires II, Diablo II, Starcraft , Warhammer 40000 Dawn of War
PSX: Metal Gear Solid, Legend Of Dragoon, FF VII, FF VIII, FF IX, Crash Bandicoot 3, Gran turismo 1 y 2, Parasite Eve, Resident Evil 2
Nintendo Game Cube: Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes, Zelda Wind Waker, Super Smash Bros Melee, Metroid Prime 1 y 2, FF Crystal Crhonicles, Resident Evil Remake, Resident Evil 0, Soul Calibur II
PS2: FF X, FF XII, Tekken 4 y 5, Kingdom Hearts 1 y 2, Shadow of the Colosus, Gran Turismo 3 y 4, God of war 1 y 2, Need For Speed Underground 2
Xbox 360: Halo 1, 2 y 3, Gears of War 1 y 2, Overlord, Army of Two, Need For Speed Most Wanted, Carbon y Hot Pursuit, Assasins creed 1 y 2, FF XIII, Dead or Alive 4, Tekken 6, Soul Calibur IV, Bioshock, Left 4 Dead, Half Life Orange Box, Blue Dragon, GTA IV, Saints Row 1 y 2
Wii: Monster Hunter Trii, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil The Umbrella Crhonicles, Resident Evil Darkside Crhonicles, Zelda Twiglith Princess, Super Mario Galaxy 1 y 2, No More Heroes, Mario Kart Wii, Need For Speed Pro Street, Pro Evolution Soccer, Tatsunkoko VS Capcom
Super Nintendo: Mario All Stars, Mario Word 1 y 2, Mario RPG, FF IV, V y VI, Crhono Trigger, Street Figther II, Knigths of the Round
Nintendo 64: Super Mario 64, Super Smash Bros, Zelda Ocarina of time, Zelda Majora's Mask, Donkey Kong 64, Lylat Wars, Mario Party, Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye 64, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo y Tooie

y no os pongo mas porque con eso teneis de sobra xD
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#14 por malekith95 el 27/02/2011
Me estoy metiendo unas viciadas últimamente a la psp increíbles.
Entre el Monster Hunter United que ya llevo unas 270h y el ff ix. ^^
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