Posición en el ranking: 439523 votos en posts del foro2 votos en comentarios
Equipo: Ibanez Gio GRX140 -> destruida
Jackson Kelly KE3 Japonesa + GFS Pickups
Epiphone Les Paul Custom koreana + GFS Pickups -> Cambiada
Epiphone The Dot Studio
Epiphone Korina Explorer + SD SH8 Pickups -> Vendida
Tokail LC53 WR + GuitarHeads Active Pickups
Gibson Flying V WC Faded
Tokai LS150 VF AAA
Epiphone Thunderbird IV
Laney Hardcore 15W
Hughes & Kettner Black Series Vortex 80W -> Vendido
Bugera V22
Zoom G2.1u
Behringer UC2000
Boss MT-2
Boss DS-1
Ibanez TS7
Jackson Kelly KE3 Japonesa + GFS Pickups
Epiphone Les Paul Custom koreana + GFS Pickups -> Cambiada
Epiphone The Dot Studio
Epiphone Korina Explorer + SD SH8 Pickups -> Vendida
Tokail LC53 WR + GuitarHeads Active Pickups
Gibson Flying V WC Faded
Tokai LS150 VF AAA
Epiphone Thunderbird IV
Laney Hardcore 15W
Hughes & Kettner Black Series Vortex 80W -> Vendido
Bugera V22
Zoom G2.1u
Behringer UC2000
Boss MT-2
Boss DS-1
Ibanez TS7
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