Duda Sobre Procedencia

#1 por aconcagua3 el 16/04/2012
hola compañeros:
Tengo una pregunta a colacion de un amable forero, que realmente me ha hecho dudar de la procedencia de de las pastis Duncan USM.
Segun yo tengo entendido, Seymour Duncan, fabrica 2 tipos de Pastis ""Designed"":
una es Duncan Designed
y otra es Duncan USM
Las Duncan Designed, estan fabricadas en Asia y las Duncan USM, fabricadas en usa.
como su nombre lo indica : United Stated Music (USMcorp.)
alguien sabe realmente la procedencia de las pastis Duncan USM ????

tengo aqui la pagina de Duncan USM, que en ningun sitio dice que estan fabricadas fuera de USA, pero tampoco dice que esten fabricadas en USA.

The Duncan USM pickups represent the latest collaboration between U.S. Music Corp. and Seymour Duncan. For decades, Seymour Duncan pickups have been recognized as the leader in after-market upgrade pickups as well as the OEM standard on the world’s finest guitars. Duncan and USM have worked together for many years and have shared many artists along the way, including Nuno Bettencourt, Dimebag Darrell, Paul Stanley, George Lynch, Scott Ian, Warren Haynes, and many more.

Duncan USM Pickups are designed by Seymour Duncan's Santa Barbara-based engineers to USM's requirements and are only available on select Washburn and Parker guitars. Currently, Duncan USM pickups are available in two voices, the HB-103 and HB-102. The HB-103 is a high output humbucker aimed at heavy rock, metal, thrash and punk players. It’s an extremely aggressive pickup with powerful coil windings ceramic magnets, but it will maintain string-to-string clarity even under the punishing picking assault heavy music players subject their guitars to gig after gig.

The HB-102 is a classic hot rodded humbucker set that handles a wide range of styles from blues and classic rock to metal. The HB-102 bridge pickup has high-output coil windings and the neck pickup is backed off a bit. Both pickups use Alnico 5 magnets and are very musical with great high end detail.

The quality and musicality of Duncan USM pickups means a superb sounding instrument right out of the box, adding quality and value to your guitar and eliminating the need for upgrade electronics.

Agradeceria informacion contrastada !!!

un saludo y gracias de antemano
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#2 por aconcagua3 el 20/04/2012
algun compañero que arroje un poco de luz a este tema ???
#3 por Guitarrizado el 20/04/2012
Hola, fui yo quien te pregunte!! :brindis: gracias de corazon por preocuparte del tema, y a ver si sale a la luz su procedencia.
De nuevo. Gracias. :brindis:
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