Comunidad Jet Guitars / Fazley

JET Guitars
#553 por JET Guitars el 14/09/2021
#550 Lo sentimos, lo intentaremos :) A veces, las cosas se pierden en la traducción.
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  • Harley Benton DNAfx GiT
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    Blackstar HT-1R MkII Combo
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#554 por carloschu el 14/09/2021
Thank you for responding, but let you know that your Music Shop Europe distributor told me that they were not going to receive any more JET guitars (I had ordered and paid for one) they offered me a refund but the service was not excessively good. Thank you very much again.
Juan M.
#555 por Juan M. el 14/09/2021
Se agradecerá si lo hacen. En cualquier caso, más cosas se pierden si no se traduce nada. No todo el mundo habla o entiende bien el inglés...
Imagínense ustedes que yo les hablase en mi segunda lengua materna, el aymara...
JET Guitars
#556 por JET Guitars el 14/09/2021
#554 Hi, the website shows 450, 500 and 600 models are in stock now - maybe they made some mistake, so best to ask them directly about the exact shipping time. We will let them know about your experience. Thanks
JET Guitars
#557 por JET Guitars el 14/09/2021
#555 acordado :)
#558 por DaniDCR el 14/09/2021
A mí me gusta ésta:
Con 24 trastes jumbo y un buen Floyd, para mí ya sería la leche 😎.
#559 por Sergio el 14/09/2021
JET Guitars escribió:

Just for clarification, Fazley Phynica series is developed and made by JET, to their specifications.

Eso explica las similitudes tan obvias entre ellas. Misterio resuelto :)

@JET CM: thanks for registering and taking part in the discussion. It would be much better if the discussion is carried on in Spanish as some forum members suggested. If you wish to translate the posts, I recommend using Deepl ( instead of Google Translator. Deepl is a IA deep learning based translator machine that works much better than Google's and gives a much more natural feeling to the texts. What is your mother tongue by the way? Dutch? Bedankt!
JET Guitars
#560 por JET Guitars el 14/09/2021
#559 Gracias por el enlace. Estamos en Liubliana, Eslovenia.
#561 por Jureweah el 14/09/2021
Sergio escribió:
What is your mother tongue by the way?

Ay ay ay. Es la primera vez que lo leo así...
#562 por Sergio el 14/09/2021
Jureweah escribió:
Ay ay ay. Es la primera vez que lo leo así...
En serio?
#563 por Sergio el 14/09/2021
JET Guitars escribió:
Gracias por el enlace. Estamos en Liubliana, Eslovenia.
Fantástico. Bienvenidos a Guitarristas y seguid con el buen trabajo con vuestras guitarras Jet & Fazley :)
Enrique G
#564 por Enrique G el 14/09/2021
Vaya con el community manager de JET Guitars, como se mueve.
Bienvenido al foro
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