¿que guitarrista eres?

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-8%Fender Tone Master Deluxe Reverb
-13%Fender LTD AM Pro II Strat
-10%Epiphone Les Paul 59 Tobacco Burst

You are John Petrucci! You are the lead guitarist for Dream Theater, one of the most underknown and underappreciated bands of the past 15 years. You are a pioneer to progressive rock, and an incredible musical composer. You have one of the widest scale ranges of all guitar players.
Me sale esto......espero que alguien me diga si eso es bueno o malo, porque aún soy joven y puedo cambiar:risa:

Me sale esto......espero que alguien me diga si eso es bueno o malo, porque aún soy joven y puedo cambiar:risa:

cferalva escribió:yeeea....pues a mi tambien me sale slash
diría que las preguntas clave para que salga este hombre al final son las de la les paul y el jack daniels....
Te aseguro que no, porque a mi me ha salido Slash y puse Fender Strotacaster, eso si con el tabaco y el jack

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You are Slash! You are formerly of Guns N' Roses, one of the greatest bands ever to graze the earth. Currently you are with Velvet Revolver, and you love Jack Daniels and cigarettes. You are one of the most well known guitarists, and a master blues-rock player. You also have a hot supermodel wife.
Pues vaya....en fin...

Quitando lo de las Les Paul, mi mujer y el Jack Daniels...no me veo yo...

En cualquier caso, está divertido el Quiz

Un saludote

Hola Guitarros... Alegremente para mi, me salió el guitarrista que tengo como estudio y que sale en mi nick tambien
John Petrucci
You are John Petrucci! You are the lead guitarist for Dream Theater, one of the most underknown and underappreciated bands of the past 15 years. You are a pioneer to progressive rock, and an incredible musical composer. You have one of the widest scale ranges of all guitar players.
John Petrucci
You are John Petrucci! You are the lead guitarist for Dream Theater, one of the most underknown and underappreciated bands of the past 15 years. You are a pioneer to progressive rock, and an incredible musical composer. You have one of the widest scale ranges of all guitar players.

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