¿que guitarrista eres?

#85 por SauKi el 28/02/2009
ibanez93 escribió:
sauki ¿cual jem es la de tu avatar? perdon por la pregunta fuera de lugar, pero me interesa mucho la guitarra :D ¿es la 555? si lo es ¿me puedes decir como es porfa.?
saludos :saludo:

si es la jem 555 ^^ la blanca :D ahora aun esta mas barata de cuando la compre :ok:
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#86 por Marshaboogie el 02/03/2009
You are Steve Vai! Formerly of Whitesnake, you were a pupil of Joe Satriani. You went solo and created your own special brand of intriquite music. You and Joe have very similar styles, both very upbeat and very emotional. You and Joe tour regularily, and have millions of adoring fans.:D
#87 por windganon el 15/04/2009
soy una gibson sg
#88 por classical el 15/04/2009
marty friedman
You are Marty Friedman! Formerly of Cacophony and Megadeth, you have one of the most distinct sounds of any guitar player. Your style fits well in any type of music; you are so versatile that you have to stay solo so that you can stretch every aspect of your ability. You are one of the best sweep-pickers ever to live, and you're very elusive.

Bueno, no es lo que yo esperaba, pero voy or buen camino :ok:
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