Como ando vago os paso directamente el texto en inglés de un hilo que abrí ayer en el foro de TDPRI, pero, en resumidas cuentas, que Marshall renueva la serie MG y reemplaza los MGxxFX por los MGxxCFX Carbon Fiber, que según dicen son un diseño completamente nuevo y no un simple lavado de cara de los anteriores:
Good nights.
First they made the MGxxDFX line, which was enhanced to the MGxxFX, and this month... they release the new MGxxCFX (Carbon Fiber Series). Their official website is still silent about them, but they're available at Thomann, and in eBay:
At first, they look like the MGxxFX but with an stylized silver front panel with a new layout and logo. A close look to the 30W version shows that a new "studio reverb" has been added, so now you can choose between the simulated spring reverb and the new studio one (whatever it is, hope it's something like a BIG hall reverb).
I've heard that they have redesigned the MG line completely for the better, and also that higher wattage versions has more FX to choose (ie reverse delay) and that you can save your own FX presets and also use several FX at the same time, even on low wattage versions.
Maybe this time they've acomplished making a good solid state amp series (sounding close to the old Valvestates) after all that early MGs disaster.
Good nights.
First they made the MGxxDFX line, which was enhanced to the MGxxFX, and this month... they release the new MGxxCFX (Carbon Fiber Series). Their official website is still silent about them, but they're available at Thomann, and in eBay:
At first, they look like the MGxxFX but with an stylized silver front panel with a new layout and logo. A close look to the 30W version shows that a new "studio reverb" has been added, so now you can choose between the simulated spring reverb and the new studio one (whatever it is, hope it's something like a BIG hall reverb).
I've heard that they have redesigned the MG line completely for the better, and also that higher wattage versions has more FX to choose (ie reverse delay) and that you can save your own FX presets and also use several FX at the same time, even on low wattage versions.
Maybe this time they've acomplished making a good solid state amp series (sounding close to the old Valvestates) after all that early MGs disaster.