¿que guitarrista eres?

#13 por diegopg el 21/08/2007
Como no me ha salido Slash:

You are Slash! You are formerly of Guns N' Roses, one of the greatest bands ever to graze the earth. Currently you are with Velvet Revolver, and you love Jack Daniels and cigarettes. You are one of the most well known guitarists, and a master blues-rock player. You also have a hot supermodel wife.
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#14 por peterjevy el 22/08/2007
Randy Rhoads

y no es mi favorito
#15 por jperlun el 22/08/2007
me salio hendrix...ta bien :D
#16 por emo_casares el 22/08/2007
You are Joe Satriani! You're an outstanding guitarist, definetely one of the best on the planet, and one of the most well known. When people think of soloist guitar players, you come to mind. Not only that, but you're a great teacher. You have a style that makes those that listen to you groove.

Qué respondí para que me diga eso???
#17 por axe72bcn el 22/08/2007
John Petrucci
You are John Petrucci! You are the lead guitarist for Dream Theater, one of the most underknown and underappreciated bands of the past 15 years. You are a pioneer to progressive rock, and an incredible musical composer. You have one of the widest scale ranges of all guitar players.
#18 por stitchvay el 22/08/2007

You are Buckethead! You have played with Primus, Praxis, and Guns N' Roses, but prefer to stay solo. You are quite possibly the strangest and wildest guitarist ever to be heard. You push the boundaries of music, and your unorthodox style and incredible shredding ability, not to mention robot dancing, have made you very popular in the underground world.
#19 por michael_lowe el 22/08/2007
You are John Petrucci! You are the lead guitarist for Dream Theater, one of the most underknown and underappreciated bands of the past 15 years. You are a pioneer to progressive rock, and an incredible musical composer. You have one of the widest scale ranges of all guitar players.
Yay! My fav of all of those who seem to be among the possibilities ^^
Me mola me mola
#20 por reloko el 22/08/2007
Michael Angelo Batio

You are Michael Angelo Batio! You are the fastest guitar player on earth, and you've built your repetoire off of shredding. Speed is your game. You own a Double Guitar, and a Quad guitar. You are the first person ever to be able to play two guitar necks at the same time- playing different harmonies- and it is for this reason that you are one of the most talent guitarists ever.

jaja, q locura...ni tampoco q fuese yo tan avilidoso ee xD
red drak
#21 por red drak el 23/08/2007
A mi me salio Randy Rhoads!!!!
#22 por dako el 23/08/2007
esto me salio a mi jajaja:

You are Kirk Hammet. You have squandered your guitar playing skills on an album called St. Anger, and have forever marked up your name for being a sellout. You were taught by Joe Satriani, but seem to have forgotten how to play solos. Your early stuff with Metallica was good, but now you have no creative talent left; as many former fans are revolting against you.
#23 por Manuel_Baez el 23/08/2007
Joder como ponen a caldo a Kirk Hammet. De verdad pone eso? Es cierto, pero que bestias...
#24 por avi_bg el 23/08/2007
A mi también me salió Buckethead... no me gusta ese tio :(

Cohone, no creo que haya ninguno que pueda salir que me guste, por ahora se salvaría Slash y SRV si es que realmente podría ser un resultado, aunque aparece en una de las preguntas su nombre...

Voy a comprar pollo frito, a tirarlo a la basura y a tapar mi cabeza...

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