¿que guitarrista eres?

#25 por Andruten el 23/08/2007
Qué bueno! Me ha salido que soy Kirk Hammet!


Alguien escribió:
You are Kirk Hammet. You have squandered your guitar playing skills on an album called St. Anger, and have forever marked up your name for being a sellout. You were taught by Joe Satriani, but seem to have forgotten how to play solos. Your early stuff with Metallica was good, but now you have no creative talent left; as many former fans are revolting against you.

Me parto con la descripción que me ha creado xDD!!
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#26 por michael_lowe el 23/08/2007
jajajajajjaa la descripcion de hammet es buenisima xDDD +1 de pseudo karma a los de quiz.myyearbook.com!
#27 por joel el 23/08/2007
mira kien me ha salido
You are John Petrucci! You are the lead guitarist for Dream Theater, one of the most underknown and underappreciated bands of the past 15 years. You are a pioneer to progressive rock, and an incredible musical composer. You have one of the widest scale ranges of all guitar players.
#28 por kender's el 25/08/2007
Nooooooo slash noooooooo!!!!!
Que he hecho para merecer eso?

Huy que cosas.... tendré que hacer trampa en las preguntas... jajajajaja

#29 por fali el 26/08/2007
q mi me ha salio el petrucci, pero sera por el pelo largo ondulao, aunque ya chinavai en el antiguo foro me dijo que tenia un aire, jeje. por cierto, el petrucci no me gusta nada! que le vamos a hacer...
#30 por nicosb el 26/08/2007
You are Yngwie Malmsteen! You are an arrogant prick, but may very well be the most technically sound, musically smart guitarist on the planet. You know you're better than everyone else, and you've got the skills to prove it. You're a master composer of music, and such an egomaniac that nothing can change your style; not that that's a bad thing.

Si... puede ser... por que no... :D
La otra vez me había salido Marty Friedman :roll:
don lucero
#31 por don lucero el 30/08/2007
Andres Segovia:roll:
#32 por linde el 30/08/2007
Steve Vai

You are Steve Vai! Formerly of Whitesnake, you were a pupil of Joe Satriani. You went solo and created your own special brand of intriquite music. You and Joe have very similar styles, both very upbeat and very emotional. You and Joe tour regularily, and have millions of adoring fans.
#33 por artur0 el 22/09/2007
John Petrucci:cool:
#34 por dimebagii el 22/09/2007
You are Zakk Wylde! You are the guitarist for Ozzy, and have your own project called Black Label Society. You've been voted the Most Valuable Guitar Player a few times, and its for obvious reasons. Your weapon is the pinch harmonic, and you use it in ways never before done. And you drink beer. A lot.

Será porque me pego bastante con el inglés y por lo de la cerveza :D. Yo quería ser Randy Rhoads :D
#35 por juankipua el 23/09/2007
axe72bcn escribió:
John Petrucci
You are John Petrucci! You are the lead guitarist for Dream Theater, one of the most underknown and underappreciated bands of the past 15 years. You are a pioneer to progressive rock, and an incredible musical composer. You have one of the widest scale ranges of all guitar players.


Aunque no cuenta mucho la verdad, porque la mitad de las preguntas las he puesto al azar :D
#36 por irles el 23/09/2007
bueeeeeno me salio John Petrucci xD no ta mal del todo (podria haber sido peor)

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