Historia de Jason Becker AYUDA!

Andoni Garcia
#1 por Andoni Garcia el 19/11/2010
Hola compañeros!!!
Hace poco conoci la tragica historia del gran Jason y aprobeche la ocasion de hacer un oral en clase de inglés. Si tienen interes y un poquito de tiempo para leerlo adelante es todo vuestro :)

Lo que ocurre es que dispongo de muy poca informacion, ya que encontre informacion escasa y quisiera saber si alguien sabe alguna pagina o sabe algo mas sobre él para que enricezca mi trabajo (si es caso, me ayudaria mas su vida antes de que padeciera esclerosis lateral multiple).
Os lo agradeceria mucho... pero supongo que no habra mucho interes por ayudar poraqui... ya que os parecera que me estais haciendo los trabajos... :S y no quiero dar esa impresión.

Aqui esta lo que puse sobre él (espero que no sea problema el ingles para ustedes):

Jason Becker was born in July 22, 1969 in Richmond, California. He graduated from Kennedy High School where he performed Yngwie Malmsteen´s Black Star at a talent show (one of his most influenced guitarist).

He started to play the guitar when he was a child, with the age of 5) due to her father and uncle as they were guitarists. He start playing songs of Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, Jeff Beck, Brian May (Queen´s, guitarist), Jimmy Hendrix, Yngwie Malmsteen etc. practicing 10 hour per day. As we can see, Becker was also heavily influences by various world music.

He affirm that learned to play the songs by ear and self-taughly due to fact taht he had the same influences of his uncle and father:
"I usually heard Yngwie Malmsteen´s songs in her concerts or a work of Stravinsky and then, next to hear all the song I played those songs in my guitar by ear. The faillures that I comitted when i was playing by ear, develops that faults to my own simphony"

Jason was an American Neoclasical Metal guitarist and composer and was considered the most virtuous in his genre. When he was 16, he start playing the guitar in a group called Cacophony with his friend Marty Friedman (megadeth´s ex-guitarist).

Jason was one of the better players of his time and he studied the works of the violinist Niccolò Paganini. He later arranged the Paganini´s 5th Caprice, performing it during a instructional guitar video. His compositions often include high speed scalar and arpeggio passages, both of which are trademarks of his "shred" style of guitar playing. Often includes too advance techniques such as sweep picking, alternate picking and tapping.

As I said before, Jason started with Marty Friedman in Cacophony when he was 16 and they toured together with this group in Japan across the United States. In 1989, Becker left from the band and he started in a solo career which one year after, he had released his first solo album called "Perpetual Burn".
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#2 por mrzor5 el 19/11/2010
toda una inspiración, uno de los más grandes guitaristasy músicos que he tenido el gusto de oír. Aparte de virtuoso, él tenía muy buen gusto para tocar y no abusar de su velocidad, algo que muchos de los virtuosos de hoy en día no poseen. Excelente compositor y un gran luchador en la vida, aún hoy en día continúa escribiendo música.

Tomando en cuenta lo joven que era cuando sucedió lo de su enfermedad, es difícil imaginarse las cosas que habría sido capaz de hacer con la guitarra.

Una pena que no sepa mas paginas, la unica que me se es wikipediaa U.U perdoname mucho amigo y no te apenes para eso es el foro para pedir ayuda :) tranquilo de todas formas te deseo suerte en tu trabajo, he leido todo lo que escribistes y si... tu ingles esta perfectamente bien suerte

volviendo al tema, creo que en el ambiente de los guitarristas él es apreciado como uno de los más grandes de la historia.

hace 2 añós que lanzo su disco "Collection", con 3 temas muy buenos.

en fin,
Grande Jason

una ultima cosa, perdona mi ignorancia y mi estupides pero podrias decirme como publicar temas. se me ha olvidado y no puedo publicar nada.
saludos (Y)
dark kloud
#3 por dark kloud el 19/11/2010
En su web tienes bastante informacion sobre su vida y su enfermedad

Jason Becker : Jason's Bio

Es sobrecogedora su historia sin ninguna duda. Y como sigue conservando su pasion por crear musica, hasta el método ideado por su padre y él para comunicarse ... te pone los pelos de punta sin duda.
#4 por ithosu el 19/11/2010
Madre mía, y luego nos quejamos de que si nos salen callos en los deditos y cosas por el estilo...Tremendo este tío.

Matxain escribió:
aprobeche la ocasion de hacer un oral en clase de inglés.

Menos mal que no era clase de francés...;)
#5 por David el 21/11/2010
Si vas a subir un texto en inglés haz el favor de subir una versión traducida ya que en el foro no se puede escribir en otro idioma que no sea el español. ;)
Andoni Garcia
#6 por Andoni Garcia el 21/11/2010
Dcr escribió:
Si vas a subir un texto en inglés haz el favor de subir una versión traducida ya que en el foro no se puede escribir en otro idioma que no sea el español. ;)

siento haber escrito el texto en ingles, es que ha sido un copiar pegar exagerado de mi trabajo :|
solo queria informarme algo mas de él
mrzor5 escribió:
toda una inspiración, uno de los más grandes guitaristasy músicos que he tenido el gusto de oír. Aparte de virtuoso, él tenía muy buen gusto para tocar y no abusar de su velocidad, algo que muchos de los virtuosos de hoy en día no poseen. Excelente compositor y un gran luchador en la vida, aún hoy en día continúa escribiendo música.

Tomando en cuenta lo joven que era cuando sucedió lo de su enfermedad, es difícil imaginarse las cosas que habría sido capaz de hacer con la guitarra.

Una pena que no sepa mas paginas, la unica que me se es wikipediaa U.U perdoname mucho amigo y no te apenes para eso es el foro para pedir ayuda :) tranquilo de todas formas te deseo suerte en tu trabajo, he leido todo lo que escribistes y si... tu ingles esta perfectamente bien suerte

volviendo al tema, creo que en el ambiente de los guitarristas él es apreciado como uno de los más grandes de la historia.

hace 2 añós que lanzo su disco "Collection", con 3 temas muy buenos.

en fin,
Grande Jason

una ultima cosa, perdona mi ignorancia y mi estupides pero podrias decirme como publicar temas. se me ha olvidado y no puedo publicar nada.
saludos (Y)

No pasa nada compañero!! agradezco mucho tus intenciones :D
dark_kloud escribió:
En su web tienes bastante informacion sobre su vida y su enfermedad

Jason Becker : Jason's Bio

Es sobrecogedora su historia sin ninguna duda. Y como sigue conservando su pasion por crear musica, hasta el método ideado por su padre y él para comunicarse ... te pone los pelos de punta sin duda.

Muchisimas gracias amigo!!!
ithosu escribió:
Madre mía, y luego nos quejamos de que si nos salen callos en los deditos y cosas por el estilo...Tremendo este tío.

Menos mal que no era clase de francés...;)

Has dicho frances¿?
Andoni Garcia
#7 por Andoni Garcia el 23/01/2011
gente mañana tengo el oral :oops:
y poco mas o menos ya lo acabé
se que no le puse casi nada de carrera musical pues mi profesora es anti-heavys y no le gusta nada de musica de este tipo y la quería asombrar con su vida:
aqui tenéis el texto completo:
alguien tiene mas ideas para insertar en el trabajillo? :(

Alguien escribió:
Jason Becker was born in July 22, 1969 in Richmond, California. He graduated from Kennedy High School where he performed Yngwie Malmsteen´s Black Star at a talent show (one of his most influenced guitarist).

He started to play the guitar when he was a child, with the age of 5 due to her father and uncle as they were guitarists. He start playing songs of Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, Jeff Beck, Brian May (Queen´s, guitarist), Jimmy Hendrix, Yngwie Malmsteen etc. practicing 10 hour per day. As we can see, Becker was also heavily influences by various world music. When he was older, he studied the famous violinist Nicolò Paganini.

He affirm that learned to play the songs by ear and self-taughly due to fact that he had the same influences of his uncle and father:
"I usually heard Yngwie Malmsteen´s songs in her concerts or a work of Stravinsky and then, next to hear all the song I played those songs in my guitar by ear. The faillures that I comitted when i was playing by ear, develops that faults to my own simphony"

Jason was an American Neoclasical Metal guitarist and composer and was considered the most virtuous in his genre. When he was 16, he start playing the guitar in a group called Cacophony with his friend Marty Friedman (megadeth´s ex-guitarist).

As I said before, Jason started with Marty Friedman in Cacophony when he was 16 and they toured together with this group in Japan across the United States. In 1989, Becker left from the band and he started in a solo career which one year after, he had released his first solo album called "Perpetual Burn".

In the age of 20, he joined to David Lee Roth´s band replacing to the prestigious Steve Vai that he went on to join Whitesnake. When they was preparing a tour in 1990, Becker began to feel what he called a "Lazy limp" on his left leg. He was soon diagnosed with Amiotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig´s disease, the same one that has Stephen Hawkins) and given 3 years of life. He could barely finish the recording using different techniques for his weakening hands like this guitar strings. Althought he managed the album, he did not join the supporting tour due to his inhability to perform on stage and Lizzy Borden guitarist, Joe Holm, replaced him.


The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive and fatal neurodegenerative disease caused by the degenerations of motor neurons (nerve cells of central nervous system that control movements of voluntary muscle movements). The first victim of this disease was Lou Gehrig in 1939 (that´s why this disease is called sometimes Lou Gehrigh´s disease), an important New York Yankees baseballer. Other famous victims before Lou:
-Stephen Hawkins (he has lived this disease for mor than 40 years, one of the best Physicist in the worls)
-Mao Zedong (1893-1976, Chinese military and political leader who led the Comunist party of China (CPC) to vistory against Kuomintang (KMT) in the Chinese Civil War).

The ALS typically acts in the feet, hads and limbs before spreading throughout the body. Initial signs include Cramps, weakness or debility, slurred speech and foot drop (difficulty lifting the toes and front of the foot). It ultimately can cause total paralysis. ALS patients can developed such complications as dementia (serious loss of cognitive ability in a previously unimpaired person), difficulty breathing, dehydration and malnutrition. Most die from respiratory faillure withing five years of the initial symptoms.

Becker Communication System

Since his mouth had been paralysed due to the ALS, he couldn´t spoke with anyone and his father (Gary Becker) created a simple way to communicate with him using the eye movements.
His communicating invention was based in one table, divided by 6 squares and in each squares were located 4 letters of the traditional alphabet.
Every letter has two eye movements: the first eye movements says in what square is the letter located and the second movement, where is the letter located in the square (up, down, left, or right).
Y & Z use lower left and lower right eye movements.

siento tener que ponerlo en inglés, es un rtabajo ingles y es un rollazo tener que traducirlo del todo al instante, aún así supongo que no sera molestia para poder traducirlo, pues esta en ingles pobre :S
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