Esto es lo que han constestado...
Tomas (Fender Musical Instruments)
Jun 20, 12:23 BST
Hello Vicente,
Thank you for your email.
If the website you using for checking serial numbers are not showing any results it does not necessarily mean, that certain guitar is fake.
Please note, there are some guitars which we do not have registered in the database and our system would not find them. This apply mostly for vintage, older instruments or for some guitars made out of U.S / Mexico.
To determine, whether guitar is genuine or fake, you can compare some of the characteristics with the same model from the same era on other pictures on the internet (from shops or users). If the guitar seems to have same hardware, shapes and logos, it is more likely to be genuine. Although, you can´t be 100% sure.
If you have some particular serial number you would like me to check for you, please let me know.
Many thanks.
Regards / S pozdravom,
Tomas - Customer Sales & Support Advisor
Para los que no hablen Inglés dice que si no aparece nada en la página oficial de Fender, no significa que sea falsa. Hay guitarras que no están en su base de datos como modelos vintage o instrumentos antiguos hechos fuera de USA o Mexico.
Para determinar si es genuína puedes compararla con modelos de Fender buenas en fotos, tiendas.. etc, Si aparenta ser buena probablemente será buena aunque nunca puedes estar seguro al 100%
Y que si tengo alguna duda en concreto, que se lo haga saber.
Pues.. eso es todo, estamos como al principio