Hola, e estado buscando que marca o modelo es esta guitarra eléctrica, esta era de mi papá cuando era joven y mi padre me dijo que se la compro a una persona que tenia una banda cuando era joven, Debe tener de al menos unos 20 años. Alguien la conoce?
Hi, I've been looking the brand or model of this electric guitar, It was my father's guitar when he was young and he told me that he bought it from a guy that had a rock band, It probably has atleast 25 years. Does anyone knows the model/brand?
Hi, I've been looking the brand or model of this electric guitar, It was my father's guitar when he was young and he told me that he bought it from a guy that had a rock band, It probably has atleast 25 years. Does anyone knows the model/brand?