Guia squier korea stratocaster logo dorado y negro

Fabian Casalla
#25 por Fabian Casalla el 17/10/2017
CN/VN: C = Cor-Tek (Cort), V = Saehan(Sunghan), S was already taken by Samick so Saehan(Sunghan) used V instead (Saehan(Sunghan) made the Vester guitars), N = Nineties (1990s), the first number following the serial number prefix is the year.

For example,

"CN5" = made by Cor-Tek (Cort) in 1995.
"VN5" = made by Saehan(Sunghan) in 1995.
KC/KV: KC (Korean Cor-Tek (Cort)) and KV (Korean Saehan(Sunghan)), the serial number prefix is followed by a 2 number year.

For example,

"KC97" = made by Cor-Tek (Cort) in 1997.
"KV97" = made by Saehan(Sunghan) in 1997.
KC and KV serial number prefixes are usually used on Crafted in Korea Squiers. S/E: The S and E serial number prefix Korean Squiers are from the late 1980s/early 1990s. S = Samick, E = Young Chang, E letter serial numbers were used on Young Chang's Fenix brand guitars.[6] The first number following the serial number prefix is the year.

The first guitars made in Korea are those with serial number written in silver E10 +5 digits (note 1 extra digit) possibly as early as 1986

For example,

"E7 +5 digits with silver serial = made by Young Chang in 1987-88.
"S9" = made by Samick in 1989.
"E0" = made by Sung-Eum in 1990.
"E1" (+5 digits) with black serial = made by Sung-Eum in 1991.
There were also Korean Squier serials with no serial number prefix and 6 or 7 numbers and the first number is the year. Some late 80's and early 90's examples held a serial number with the prefix M followed by 7 numerals, although there is much that is not known about these guitars and their exact date of manufacture as Squier were undergoing a 'transitional' period at this time making precise dating difficult. They featured a high gloss maple neck with both rosewood and maple fretboard options and a slimmer 40mm body.

China and Taiwan[edit]
YN: Y = Yako (Taiwan), N = Nineties (1990s), the first number following the serial number prefix is the year.

For example,

"YN5" = made by Yako in 1995.
CY: C = China, Y = Yako (Taiwan), the serial number prefix is followed by a 2 number year.

For example,

"CY97" = made by Yako in 1997.
CY, COS, or COB serials are usually used on Crafted in China (CIC) Squiers. Some Chinese-made Gretsch guitars also have a CY serial number.

Miscellaneous Chinese serials: CD, CT, CJ, NC: C = China, the first number following the serial number prefix is the year. Probably made by Yako (Taiwan). The plant from which the COB serial number prefix models originate remains a mystery. No documentation, or comment from the manufacturer has resolved the question of which plant produced them.

Some Squiers that are sold only in the Chinese and Asian markets are made by Axl in China. These guitars usually have the serial number starting with CXS; with the 'X' standing for 'Axl'.

Squier Classic Vibe series guitars/basses serial numbers start with CGS year of manufacture. 'C' is for China, 'G' is for Grand Reward (the name of the factory where the Classic Vibe and Fender Modern Player Series are built), and ’S' for 'Squier'.

IC: I = Indonesia, C = (Cort), the serial number begins with 2-digits representing the year
IS: I = Indonesia, S = Samick, the serial number begins with 2-digits representing the year
I = Indonesia, C = Cor-tek (Cort), S = Squier brand, the serial number begins with 2-digits representing the year (2009-2012)

For example, "IC00XXXXX" is made in Cort in the year 2000. In 2009-2010, some Indonesian Squiers had the prefix ICS09XXXXX and ICS10XXXXX.
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#26 por Since75 el 12/08/2018
Reflotó el hilo, a ver si me ayudais. Esta amiga es de antes del 86 o es del 91?
El serial es E1044137 en dorado
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toni diaz
#27 por toni diaz el 12/08/2018
#26 pues si lees el post anterior tienes la respuesta
toni diaz
#28 por toni diaz el 12/08/2018
Por cierto me ha recordado que compre hace 2 meses una. Cuerpo de tilo, mastil de palorrosa con trastes vintage, pastillas cerámicas y un clavijero malísimo jeje.
Con un cambio de pastillas (Artec ssa12) las mismas que llevan las clássic vibe 60 y cambio de clavijas y trastes y guitarrón oiga
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#29 por Since75 el 12/08/2018
#27 lo que cuadra es lo del color del serial en plata... Esta la compré en Sevilla, en Musical Ortiz allá por el 90 o 91
Por cierto guapísima la Strato :cool:
toni diaz
#30 por toni diaz el 12/08/2018
#29 cuando Javi Valero tenía melenon :mrgreen: perdón por el localismo, también es miembro de nuestra comunidad
#31 por Since75 el 13/08/2018
#30 en aquellos tiempos todos teníamos pelo jajajajja :meparto: :meparto:
sevidoe Baneado
#32 por sevidoe el 27/06/2020
Perdón por el reflote pero no me acaba de quedar claro lo del número de serie. Adjunto una foto.
A ver si me podéis aclarar año y lugar de procedencia.
toni diaz
#33 por toni diaz el 27/06/2020
Fabrica de Samick año 91
toni diaz
#34 por toni diaz el 27/06/2020
Por diooos cambia los retenedores que vas a coger algo malo!!
sevidoe Baneado
#35 por sevidoe el 28/06/2020
Eso es mojo de ese. Gracias. Yo usé ese mismo buscador pero introduje la letra y me daba error.
toni diaz
#36 por toni diaz el 28/06/2020
Es mojo vintage del bueno jejeje
Tu guitarra es de una época en que cabe la posibilidad de que sea maciza o contrachapado, si tienes dudas saca el golpeador y si el interior se ve a capas de 3mm es contrachapado
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