Rub escribió:Vale, va de un modo totalmente didactico pero deberiais tener cuidado al escribir con el tiempo que usais para los verbos porque en los primeros he visto un par de fallos que corrigiendolo haria que todo en conjunto sonara mucho mejor, eso es lo que creo.
y sin desprestigiar a nadie pero la que mas me ha gustado de momento es la de Nikpo
nikpo escribió:muchas gracias
aca va otra que la acabo de escribir para mi papa:
Hey daddy… I wanna be like you
A man with many responsibilities
Wich nobody can say him: You’re a bad person
A man whose base of his life are his sons
I want to show you with this song, that I love you
And you’ll be in my heart forever…
Forever and ever
And for this and much things I love you
You’re the man that prepares to me to my life
Daddy I have to say…
I love you!
Hey daddy… Do you think that I can be a rock star, someday?
You approve me, if I take this way?
Daddy thank you, for everything that you do for me
Sometimes you are the only ones that understands me
And thinks how I feel…
And for this and much things I love you
You’re the man that prepares to me to my life
Daddy I have to say…
I love you!
I don’t see you much time like before…
Well, before was something like now
Only give me something
Give me the answer to make you happy
For the rest of your life…
And for this and much things I love you
You’re the man that prepares to me to my life
Daddy I have to say…
I love you!
So I have to say one thing dad…
Thank you!
cuando haga el solo le voy a poner un feeling mas grande que slash mas o menos xD
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