Hi there,
Thanks for your email.
Delay is designed like this. When the value of the knob is half, the wet/dry ratio is 1:1. When it exceeds half, we think that you want to get a more obvious effect sound. When the volume is kept it the same, turn the value of the knob. The larger the value, the greater the effect ratio, and the smaller the guitar sound. When the knob is turned to the maximum, the effect sound will be 99 and the guitar volume will be 0.
There are many ways of Delay mix in the market, the more common ones are:
The first:
On the far left, dry/wet=1:0;
In the middle, dry/wet=1:0.5;
On the far right, dry/wet=1:1.
The second type:
On the far left, dry/wet=1:0;
In the middle, dry/wet=1:1;
On the far right, dry/wet=0:1.
As for the pedal you said that the volume is still 11 when the pedal is turned to 12, the technician explained that it is indeed a bug, and we will fix it later. Please pay attention to the update of the official website. Thank you for your feedback.
una traduccion por que yo de inglish no tengo ni puta idea: