Asesinan a 260 asistentes a un festival de música y aquí nadie dice nada...

#13 por futurama el 10/10/2023
D.E.P. Para todos los fallecidos

Pagaremos las consecuencias durante mucho tiempo de todo esto.
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  • Squier Sonic Strat LRL Ultravi Set
    249 €
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  • -11%
    Boss DD-500
    375 €
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  • Millenium Rookie E-Drum Set
    189 €
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#14 por Beodo el 10/10/2023
La codicia y la estupidez acabarán con la especie humana. Y entonces el planeta a lo mejor sobrevive. Es muy triste.

#15 por kyuss! el 10/10/2023
Ya lo dijo S.A hace unos cuantos años. Que vueltas da la vida, nos vimos en Berlín.
#16 por Ruy el 10/10/2023
#10 Exacto.

Ahora la televisión nos cuenta lo malo que son unos y nos indignamos mucho. Ahora palomitas de la paz, pancartas y banderitas en los perfiles. Los miles de asesinados muertos del otro lado valen menos... Hace una semana los indignados eran menos... Pensamos y decimos lo que nos mande Tele 5, la Sexta y rtve.
Archivos adjuntos ( para descargar)
#17 por felito el 10/10/2023
El otro día pensé en abrir un hilo similar, pero de repente me acordé que estoy aquí por las guitarras y hablar de esto no me va a beneficiar, más bien probablemente como dice alguien, algún baneo y cierre de post.
Y posicionarme de un lado o de otro es absurdo, vamos a ser inteligentes, la historia nos demuestra que en todas las guerras ambas partes tienen sus mierdas, de aquí no me fío ni de un bando ni de otro.
#18 por felito el 10/10/2023
#16 curioso, como quieren manipular a la gente, si nos basamos en la realidad, quién a iniciado un ataque con 5000 misiles, así sin más? Y aquí empezamos con el bucle, es que los otros son más malos, llevamos más tiempo aquí, etc etc...ya he estudiado historia no me van a vender la película.
#19 por Ruy el 10/10/2023
#18 Netanyahu, dice que esto es sólo el principio:

Las imágenes dicen mucho de a qué se refiere
#20 por RickDalton el 10/10/2023
Esta a la altura de los tiempos del nazismo más oscuro. Con la diferencia que ahora hay móviles y aquí todo el mundo ve videos como si fueran pelis e acción. Hasta críos de 10 años disfrutando de estos vídeos... se ha ido de las manos completamente pero a ver quién es el listo que ahora pone solución a todo esto.
#21 por lutop el 10/10/2023
Paco escribió:
Esta zona tiene un problema de base, que no tiene solución definitiva por desgracia,

Asi es. Yo hace unos años por trabajo estuve varias veces in Israel, y tuve oportunidad de hablar con gente de los dos bandos. La confrontacion esta muy arraigada, y los dos tienen su parte de razon, y sus mierdas. Dificil solucion.
#22 por mikel7 el 10/10/2023
el 14 de mayo de 1948 es cuando empezó a joderse todo... Israel necesitaba un estado y el mundo se lo dio... Al lado de sus enemigos... Luego Israel siguio invadiendo territorio y unos y otros llevan en guerra desde entonces. Locos en los dos bandos, odio irreconciliable tambien, culpables los dos.

Pero el mundo se equivoco aquel dia dando ese estado sin vigilar lo que se hacia despues.

Una lastima miles de muertos, en estos 75 años. Y lo que queda....
Valentino Senna
#23 por Valentino Senna el 10/10/2023
Asesinan a 260 asistentes a un festival de música y aquí nadie dice nada...

Porque esto se supone que es un foro de música y no de política, y porque este tipo de historias acaban en cabreos, rencillas y baneos (en muchas ocasiones arbitrarios, como el criterio y comportamiento de varios de los admin que por aquí pululan)
Ya es hablando del hilo del cobre, la madera y se acaba sacando el comunismo, el capitalismo, las guerras mundiales y la civil de aquí, pues con ésto no te cuento ya...
Y aquí cierro participación.

Me gustaría que nos escandalizáramos igual por todos los muertos, eso sí. Por los que se mueren de hambre, por los de terrorismo y por los del terrorismo de estado, el día que los muertos valgan igual sin importar nacionalidad o ideología habremos avanzado bastante...
#24 por Sandman el 10/10/2023
Yo no me voy a poner de canto, lo siento. No lo he hecho nunca con este tema.

Lo que durante décadas ha hecho Israel con Palestina ha sido un genocidio basado en el supremacismo que da el tener más dinero y poder que el enemigo, aprovechándose de que el dinero de los suníes también servía para fomentar su idea supremacista respecto a los chiíes. Arabia contra Persia. No continuaré, lo conocemos de sobra.

Pero lo que acaba de pasar en Israel esta semana hace imposible justificar la posición palestina. Desarrollar un ataque a esta escala contra la población civil les convierte en enemigos de la humanidad, y hará imposible que la comunidad internacional pueda posicionarse a su favor. Queda por tanto entender a quién beneficia, para intentar atisbar quienes son los verdaderos responsables.

Voy a compartiros un documento. Se trata de un correo que nos ha enviado un profesor universitario a viejos alumnos que estamos en contacto con él. Se trata de Reuven Lerner. Una autoridad global en formación de programación en Python. Está en inglés, lo siento, pero no lo traduciré.

Alguien escribió:

Many, many subscribers to my various lists have e-mailed me, asking whether I'm OK, in the wake of recent events in Israel. I can't keep up with answering everyone individually, so I decided to send out this broadcast. (My apologies if you receive it more than once.)

The good news: My family and I are safe. But we are also emotionally numb, and worried about what will happen in the coming days.

Let's start at the beginning: Saturday was not only the Sabbath (the Jewish day of rest) but also a particularly festive holiday, Simchat Torah. On that day, Jews finish reading the Torah (first five books of the Bible) and start reading it all over again. Synagogue services usually include a lot of singing and dancing. It's also the end of the Jewish holiday season, so we celebrate returning to real life.

I got up very early that morning, planning to read for a while before heading out to my synagogue. While I was reading, I heard some booms outside. At first, I dismissed them. But I kept hearing those booms, and they sounded a lot like the Iron Dome system that Israel uses to shoot down Palestinian rockets.

Now, the sad fact is that we've had rocket attacks before. Modi'in, where I live. We're not very close to the Gaza Strip, whose Hamas-led government fires rockets at Israeli homes on a regular basis, but we're close enough that when there's a military flare-up between Israel and Hamas, we hear air-raid sirens and are told to enter our thick-walled "safe rooms," a mandatory part of every Israeli home built since the mid 1990s.

I decided that maybe I'm crazy for thinking that Iron Dome is being used, but just in case, i should clean out some of the junk from our safe room, which we (like almost everyone else) use for storage.

As I did that, I heard more and more booms overhead. Even though I normally don't use my phone or computer on Saturdays, I decided that I had to know what was going on -- and I saw that there was indeed a massive attack on Israel. I woke up my wife and daughters, and warned them that we might have an air-raid alert in the near future. I promised my wife that I would walk to synagogue alongside apartment buildings, so that if there's an alert, I'll have a building to duck into.

Our synagogue service was poorly attended, quick, and quiet. We got rid of any festivities, including the traditional dancing a planned potluck lunch. The air-raid siren sounded while I was in synagogue; we all entered our safe room, and stayed there for a while until it was safe. A city inspector soon came to tell us that we were only allowed to continue praying together because of the safe room, and that we all had to be able to fit in there.

I got back home at about 12 noon on Saturday, started to hear what turned out to be the real news of the day. Even though we normally don't drive on Saturdays, my wife took the step of collecting our son from his gap-year program in Jerusalem, so that he could be with us, safe at home. Like almost everyone else in Israel, I have been glued to the news ever since.

In short: While the rockets were being fired at dozens of Israeli cities, hundreds of Hamas terrorists entered Israel using a multi-pronged surprise attack. They went door to door in a number of cities and villages, shooting just about anyone they found. They went to a 2,000-person rave and music festival, and killed hundreds of young people there to dance and enjoy the music.

The stories that we're hearing are just chilling: Children shot at point-blank range in front of their parents. Terrorists burning down houses when the owners wouldn't leave their safe rooms. A 250-person mass grave where the rave attendees were shot and killed.

Worse yet: More than 100 Israeli, most of them civilians, were taken hostage by Hamas and are being held captive in the Gaza Strip. These include children and the elderly.

The mood in Israel is one of anger, frustration, and even despair. As I write this, there are about 1,000 officially confirmed deaths. Given that Israel has a population of just under 10 million, that's proportionally equivalent to 6x the number of Americans who were killed on September 11th. I don't know anyone who was killed or kidnapped, but we have many friends who do. These already horrific numbers don't include the 2,000 or so injured, and the as-of-yet uncounted number of missing people.

I make no secret of the fact that I'm a left-winger in Israeli politics; I disagree with nearly every decision that the current government has made, and have been regularly protesting their plans to weaken our courts. I donate regularly to the New Israel Fund, which promotes Arab-Jewish coexistence, pluralism, and the rule of law. And I certainly have lots of questions and anger about how the army and government managed to fall asleep at the switch and allow such a tragedy to happen.

But even I, Mr. Bleeding Heart Liberal, see Hamas's actions for what they are: Chilling, barbaric, acts of terror that demand a response. Kidnapping children and old ladies? Shooting civilians as they're driving away from you? Trying to shoot people as they cower in their safe rooms? There is no justification for these actions. Moreover, they will (sadly) do nothing to advance the Palestinian cause.

Again: My family and I are safe. The odds of a rocket attack on our house are small, and our safe room is now particularly spacious. We're donating food, clothing, and toiletries to people who lost their homes, as well as their families, and need assistance with just basic day-to-day needs. The very same people who were organizing anti-government demonstrations have been showing up in droves for reserve duty and/or offering their support services — from driving to cooking to writing software to help identify the missing.

Modi'in is eerily quiet, with very few cars on the road, and many stores shuttered as the owners have been called up to reserve duty. On my way to synagogue this morning, I heard the nonstop sounds of fighter jets overhead. In synagogue, we prayed for the safety of not just the army, but for the health of those injured and the speedy return of those captured.

We have friends, relatives, and friends' children in the army. We're hoping that they will be safe, and that they will manage to perform the impossible task of removing Hamas terrorists while hurting as few civilians as can be done.

The next few days and weeks are going to be difficult. I hope that they will involve as few deaths an injuries, on all sides, as is humanly possible. And I hope that soon enough, the situation will improve.

But for now, while we're physically safe, we're deeply worried, in a way that I haven't felt in a very long time. We will win this war, because we have no choice. But it's going to get worse before it gets better, and none of us wants that.

Thanks again to those of you who have reached out so kindly. I hope that things will be happier, better, and more peaceful in the near future.

All the best,


Además adjunto varios enlaces de hace unos años, sobre el concepto de choque de civilizaciones del politólogo Samuel Hungtinton... Creo que su lectura puede venir al caso actual. (Algunas críticas también a esta teoría)

Creo que ahora mismo hay un reto importante encima de la mesa. La civilización "islam" tiene que tomar partido ya por los derechos humanos, o la civilización "occidental" tendrá que declararle la guerra tarde o temprano. La posición de Rusia y China en una calculada ambivalencia no es aceptable. Y lo mismo ocurre con India.

Los acontecimientos de los últimos días no dejan lugar a posiciones intermedias calculadas. Sacar a la gente de sus casas, pegarles fuego en sus refugios, matar indiscriminadamente a civiles inocentes... Son crímenes de guerra, los cometa Rusia o Palestina. Y les hace nuestros enemigos.

Hace años que pegué fuego en una hoguera de san juan mis pañuelos palestinos. En concreto, tras los atentados de París.

Hoy ninguna causa relativa a naciones musulmanas y sus derechos históricos (no a sus libertades como pueblos) me parece defendible.
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