Line 6 Helix

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-16%Fender Ltd AM Pro II Strat HH
-13%PRS SE Silver Sky Piano Black
-19%Universal Audio UAFX OX Stomp Dynamic Speaker

Por fin la tengo en mis manos y pese a que es súper intuitiva a la hora de programarla me surge la siguiente duda sobre los snapshots.
Se puede tener un mismo ampli pero con regulación diferente en cada snapshot?
Tenía entendido que si pero no veo cómo hacerlo lo que me obliga a poner el mismo ampli en serie con el ajuste adecuado encendiéndolos alternanativamente con el snapshot que corresponda.
Me explique?
Se puede tener un mismo ampli pero con regulación diferente en cada snapshot?
Tenía entendido que si pero no veo cómo hacerlo lo que me obliga a poner el mismo ampli en serie con el ajuste adecuado encendiéndolos alternanativamente con el snapshot que corresponda.
Me explique?

Claro que se puede, cuando estes en el editor, abajo en la tercera opcion donde pone controller assing, elige los parametros que tu quieras que sean distintos en cada snapshot y listo, puedes tener un snap con la ganancia del ampli al 2 y otro snap con la ganancia al 7, y asi con todos los parametros del ampli, o del pedal de overdrive, o con cualquier cosa...
Claro que se puede, cuando estes en el editor, abajo en la tercera opcion donde pone controller assing, elige los parametros que tu quieras que sean distintos en cada snapshot y listo, puedes tener un snap con la ganancia del ampli al 2 y otro snap con la ganancia al 7, y asi con todos los parametros del ampli, o del pedal de overdrive, o con cualquier cosa...

Hola amigos, estuve echando un ojo por la red haber si encontraba a que temas y artistas pertenecen los presets que trae la Helix en Factory, encontre esto que os pongo y de paso haber si entre todos somos capaces de resolver el crucigrama. Un saludo a todos!
Factory 1
Angry Shaman
Aqualung -> Jethro Tull
Arena Rock
Austin Clean -> Eric Johnson Clean
Austin Lead -> Eric Johnson Distortion
BAS:Dommyz Go 2
BAS:SV Beast Brt
BAS:SV Beast Nrm
BAS:Tame Bassa
BAS:Tuck n' Go
Beat Prudence -> The Beatles, Dear Prudence
Black Hole -> Soundgarden, Black Hole Sun
Bottle Message -> The Police, Message in a Botle
Boulevard -> Green Day, Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Brown Sugar -> Rolling Stones, Brown Sugar
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Chewnicorn Clean
Cold Shot -> Stevie Ray Vaughan, Cold Shot
Come As You Are -> Nirvana, Come As You Are
Crossover Synth
Dark Uncle Floyd -> Pink Floyd
Deep Clean
Double Parked
Dream Pop Lead
Even Betta Than -> U2, Better Than The Real Thing
Every Breath -> The Police, Every Breath you take
EXP 3 No Mercy
Fast Lane -> The Eagles, Life In The Fast Lane
Fat Caterpillar
Fire Woman -> The Doors, Light My Fire/LA Woman (?) | The Cult (?)
Fortunate Son -> Creedence Clearwater Revival, Fortunate Song
Fuzzy Kat
Ha! U Said Djent
Hairy Doom
Have a Cigar -> Pink Floyd, Have a Cigar
Hey Joe -> Jimy Hendrix, Hey Joe
Interstate Zed -> Led Zeppelin
Jazz 2 Me
Jazz Rivet 120
Kashmir -> Led Zeppelin, Kashmir
Lights -> Lights Journey
Lonely Highway -> Hotel California (?)
M'Lady Neckbeard
Mad House -> Madness, Our House (?) | Anthrax (?) | Metallica, Sanitarium (?)
Marsha Marsha
May...er May Not -> John Mayer
Mystery Train -> The Doors, Mystery Train
New Jimmy
Nighttime Drown
Nighttime Swim
Not at Launch
Nothing Else -> Metallica, Nothing Else Matter
Openly Squished
Plug In Baby -> Muse, Plug in Baby
Prehensile Nose
Pull Me Clean -> John Petrucci
Pull Me Under -> John Petrucci
Raining Princess -> Prince, Purple Rain
Reign In -> Slayer, Reign in Blood
Royal Power Duo -> Royal Blood
Run Like -> Pink Floyd, Run Like Hell
Shortest Straw -> Metallica, Shortest Straw
Space Cadet
Stadium Rock
Surf Buzz
Sweet Home -> Lynyrd Skynyrd, Sweet Home Alabama
Ticket to Ride -> The Beatles, Ticket to Ride
Tom Sawyer -> Rush, Tom Sawyer
Trooper -> Iron Maiden, The Trooper
Untitled Streets -> U2, Where the Streets Have No Name
Vicegrip Funk -> Steve Gray, Vice Grip
Whole Lotta -> Led Zeppelin, Whole Lotta Love
X Ray
You've Got -> You've Got Another Thing Coming (?) | You Really Got Me (?)
Factory 2
4D Love of Steve -> Steve Vai, For the Love of God
Andy Warb Hall -> David Bowie, Andy Warhol
BAS:2 Much Tuna
BAS:Baboo Thang
BAS:BassFest '02
BAS:Boots Bass
BAS:Brit Bass
BAS:Hang Out
BAS:Phat Rat
BAS:Tile Growl
Big Monosynth
Bitey Panner
Breath Of Odin -> Julian Cope, Breath Of Odin
Carrot Cake
Chalice of M'eh
Chorus Crooner
Dark & Lush
Dark Dystopia
Doom Vacuum
Double Trackin'
Dramatic Scene
Dream Syrup
Ducked Trails
Electric Version
End of Summer -> Andy Summers (?)
Funk Clean
Funk'n Roll
Fuzzy Drunk
Glengarry Lead
Gorilla Clean -> Bruno Mars (?)
Gorilla Crunch -> Bruno Mars (?)
Grease Cats
Hairy Air
Hi Octane
In Your House
ISS Flyby
Jumped w Stomps
Knife Fight
Lead of Leads
Mandarine Gaze
Melter of Faces
Mmmm Bat Heads -> Ozzy Osbourne (?)
Mr. Ferguson
Multi Mic Dark
Murphs Adventure
Nine Inch Pills -> Nine Inch Nails ambient sound
No Soup For You
Noiserock War
Oh No Stereo
Parallel Space -> Red Hot Chilly Peppers, Parallel Space (?)
PhD May -> Brian May (Queen)
Pick Attack Solo
Plexi Monster
Rezz Score
Rhythm Sandman -> Metallica, rhythm guitar of Sandman
Rock Gaze
Rogue Vampires -> Vampires Weekend (?)
SC Small Lead
SFX:EXP Disturb
SFX:Pulse Drone
Sky Explosions -> Explosions in the Sky/generic Post-Rock
Smelly Muffins -> Smashing Pumpkins (?)
Smooth Autopan
Star Talk
Sunset Shimmer
Sweet Dispozish -> Sweet Emotion (?)
TBTV Rhythm
The Handler
The Syndrome -> Muse, Stockholm Syndrome
Toska Lead
Tripod Gallop
Unchained Jumped -> Van Halen, Unchained/Jump
Uncle Muscles
Unicorn In A Box
Watt, Now?
Wild Year
Factory 1
Angry Shaman
Aqualung -> Jethro Tull
Arena Rock
Austin Clean -> Eric Johnson Clean
Austin Lead -> Eric Johnson Distortion
BAS:Dommyz Go 2
BAS:SV Beast Brt
BAS:SV Beast Nrm
BAS:Tame Bassa
BAS:Tuck n' Go
Beat Prudence -> The Beatles, Dear Prudence
Black Hole -> Soundgarden, Black Hole Sun
Bottle Message -> The Police, Message in a Botle
Boulevard -> Green Day, Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Brown Sugar -> Rolling Stones, Brown Sugar
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Chewnicorn Clean
Cold Shot -> Stevie Ray Vaughan, Cold Shot
Come As You Are -> Nirvana, Come As You Are
Crossover Synth
Dark Uncle Floyd -> Pink Floyd
Deep Clean
Double Parked
Dream Pop Lead
Even Betta Than -> U2, Better Than The Real Thing
Every Breath -> The Police, Every Breath you take
EXP 3 No Mercy
Fast Lane -> The Eagles, Life In The Fast Lane
Fat Caterpillar
Fire Woman -> The Doors, Light My Fire/LA Woman (?) | The Cult (?)
Fortunate Son -> Creedence Clearwater Revival, Fortunate Song
Fuzzy Kat
Ha! U Said Djent
Hairy Doom
Have a Cigar -> Pink Floyd, Have a Cigar
Hey Joe -> Jimy Hendrix, Hey Joe
Interstate Zed -> Led Zeppelin
Jazz 2 Me
Jazz Rivet 120
Kashmir -> Led Zeppelin, Kashmir
Lights -> Lights Journey
Lonely Highway -> Hotel California (?)
M'Lady Neckbeard
Mad House -> Madness, Our House (?) | Anthrax (?) | Metallica, Sanitarium (?)
Marsha Marsha
May...er May Not -> John Mayer
Mystery Train -> The Doors, Mystery Train
New Jimmy
Nighttime Drown
Nighttime Swim
Not at Launch
Nothing Else -> Metallica, Nothing Else Matter
Openly Squished
Plug In Baby -> Muse, Plug in Baby
Prehensile Nose
Pull Me Clean -> John Petrucci
Pull Me Under -> John Petrucci
Raining Princess -> Prince, Purple Rain
Reign In -> Slayer, Reign in Blood
Royal Power Duo -> Royal Blood
Run Like -> Pink Floyd, Run Like Hell
Shortest Straw -> Metallica, Shortest Straw
Space Cadet
Stadium Rock
Surf Buzz
Sweet Home -> Lynyrd Skynyrd, Sweet Home Alabama
Ticket to Ride -> The Beatles, Ticket to Ride
Tom Sawyer -> Rush, Tom Sawyer
Trooper -> Iron Maiden, The Trooper
Untitled Streets -> U2, Where the Streets Have No Name
Vicegrip Funk -> Steve Gray, Vice Grip
Whole Lotta -> Led Zeppelin, Whole Lotta Love
X Ray
You've Got -> You've Got Another Thing Coming (?) | You Really Got Me (?)
Factory 2
4D Love of Steve -> Steve Vai, For the Love of God
Andy Warb Hall -> David Bowie, Andy Warhol
BAS:2 Much Tuna
BAS:Baboo Thang
BAS:BassFest '02
BAS:Boots Bass
BAS:Brit Bass
BAS:Hang Out
BAS:Phat Rat
BAS:Tile Growl
Big Monosynth
Bitey Panner
Breath Of Odin -> Julian Cope, Breath Of Odin
Carrot Cake
Chalice of M'eh
Chorus Crooner
Dark & Lush
Dark Dystopia
Doom Vacuum
Double Trackin'
Dramatic Scene
Dream Syrup
Ducked Trails
Electric Version
End of Summer -> Andy Summers (?)
Funk Clean
Funk'n Roll
Fuzzy Drunk
Glengarry Lead
Gorilla Clean -> Bruno Mars (?)
Gorilla Crunch -> Bruno Mars (?)
Grease Cats
Hairy Air
Hi Octane
In Your House
ISS Flyby
Jumped w Stomps
Knife Fight
Lead of Leads
Mandarine Gaze
Melter of Faces
Mmmm Bat Heads -> Ozzy Osbourne (?)
Mr. Ferguson
Multi Mic Dark
Murphs Adventure
Nine Inch Pills -> Nine Inch Nails ambient sound
No Soup For You
Noiserock War
Oh No Stereo
Parallel Space -> Red Hot Chilly Peppers, Parallel Space (?)
PhD May -> Brian May (Queen)
Pick Attack Solo
Plexi Monster
Rezz Score
Rhythm Sandman -> Metallica, rhythm guitar of Sandman
Rock Gaze
Rogue Vampires -> Vampires Weekend (?)
SC Small Lead
SFX:EXP Disturb
SFX:Pulse Drone
Sky Explosions -> Explosions in the Sky/generic Post-Rock
Smelly Muffins -> Smashing Pumpkins (?)
Smooth Autopan
Star Talk
Sunset Shimmer
Sweet Dispozish -> Sweet Emotion (?)
TBTV Rhythm
The Handler
The Syndrome -> Muse, Stockholm Syndrome
Toska Lead
Tripod Gallop
Unchained Jumped -> Van Halen, Unchained/Jump
Uncle Muscles
Unicorn In A Box
Watt, Now?
Wild Year

Esa recopilación la hice yo en el foro de Line 6
preguntando a los miembros del foro
Las interrogaciones las puse en los casos en los que no estaba claro si era o no era, y en algunos casos hay dos respuestas porque varias personas respondieron cosas distintas, y no quería quitarle la razón a ninguna de ellas, faltaría más

Las interrogaciones las puse en los casos en los que no estaba claro si era o no era, y en algunos casos hay dos respuestas porque varias personas respondieron cosas distintas, y no quería quitarle la razón a ninguna de ellas, faltaría más

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