sakuarius102 escribió:
comentaste que te parecía que habia salido de Samick.
Por el número serie se puede saber:
Indonesian Squiers
IC (“Crafted in Indonesia”) - I = Indonesia, C = Cor-Tek (Cort), The first 2 numbers following the prefix is the year. 8 or 9-digit number.
Example: IC09xxxxxx = 2009
ICS (“Crafted in Indonesia”) – The first 2 numbers following the prefix is the year. 8 or 9-digit number. In 2009-10 some Indonesian Squier's had the prefix ICS09XXXXX and ICS10XXXXX. Usually the S in ICS designates a Factory Special Run or FSR guitar manufactured by Cor-Tek in Indonesia.
Example: ICS10xxxxxx = 2010
IS(“Crafted in Indonesia”) – I = Indonesia, S = Samick, The first 2 numbers following the prefix is the year. 8 or 9-digit number.
Example: IC02xxxxxxx = 2002
ISS (“Crafted in Indonesia”) - I = Indonesia, SS = ??, The first 2 numbers following the prefix is the year. 6-digit number.
Example: ISS19xxxx = 2019
SI(“Crafted in Indonesia”) – The first 2 numbers following the prefix is the year. 8 or 9-digit number.
Example: SI08xxxxxxx = 2008