Buscando en el manual del flextone encontré esto " For all Flextones, effect send and return are pre-Master Volume. The send can also be used for a line out connection in live situations where you want to use the amp for an onstage monitor, and feed the sound system for the main room sound. When using the send as an output (instead of the Headphone/Direct Out) the cabinet simulator will be bypassed, so you may want to use a direct box. On the Flextone Duo, Plus, or XL, the send and return are stereo. On the 1-12” Flextone, they are mono" como veis no especifica nada de impedancias. Saludos y gracias de antemano.
Como utilizar mi combo como pantalla?
Buscando en el manual del flextone encontré esto " For all Flextones, effect send and return are pre-Master Volume. The send can also be used for a line out connection in live situations where you want to use the amp for an onstage monitor, and feed the sound system for the main room sound. When using the send as an output (instead of the Headphone/Direct Out) the cabinet simulator will be bypassed, so you may want to use a direct box. On the Flextone Duo, Plus, or XL, the send and return are stereo. On the 1-12” Flextone, they are mono" como veis no especifica nada de impedancias. Saludos y gracias de antemano.
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