Neural DSP Quad Cortex

#1585 por Luke el 23/12/2023

yo tampoco note mucho cambio de calidad entre el Kemper y QC,mucha gente que sale de gira buscaban devices mas pequeños,,tengo un amigo que viaja mucho a diferentes paises y el me comento que era un lio cargar el Kemper,se compro el QC lo tuvo por un par de semanas,pero hizo un VS en su iglesia y le gusto mas el Kemper,ahora que salio el Kemper player pues ya te imaginaras estar super contento

volviendo al QC cuando encuentres buenos presets o capturas seguro te encantara el QC,es una excelente unidad y suena muy bien,busca las capturas de Sinmix,amalgamaudio,BoutiqueTones,,ToneJunkie.,hay muchos mas que hacen buenas capturas

mi favorito preset es una captura de un Suhr SL que suena de lujo,voy a ver si puedo subirla a la cloud
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#1586 por kuervo el 24/12/2023
Unos 6€ en Amazon
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#1587 por kuervo el 01/01/2024
Lo de Couso no tiene nombre. Me ha hecho un favorazo increíble este chaval, le dije que tengo un preset mal montado y me ha ayudado conectándose a mi ordenador y configurandome todo como Dios manda. Así es que cuando te vengas para Valencia tienes una paella pagada 🥘. Gracias por ayudarme y ayudarnos a todos los de esta gran comunidad que es
#1588 por remenor el 02/01/2024
#1587 Es difícil no hacerse amigo de él.
Couso Ser
#1589 por Couso Ser el 02/01/2024
kuervo (Valencia) escribió:
Así es que cuando te vengas para Valencia tienes una paella pagada 🥘
Pues este año toco tres días para fallas, asi que ya te diré donde, jejejeje. Te tomo la palabra.
Couso Ser
#1590 por Couso Ser el 03/01/2024
Bueno, pues hoy me he tirado cuatro horitas en el pc igualando los sonidos de 28 presets con ocho escenas cada uno..... Una verdadera locura. En nochevieja casi acierto con la Pea. Me corrigió el técnico sólo una escena de un preset, jajajajaja. Pero es un curro del carajo.- El sábado tengo fregao, ya os contaré.
Couso Ser
#1591 por Couso Ser el 03/01/2024
Ya la hemos liao. Acaban de sacar una nueva actualizacion. Que hacemos? actualizamos? o nos esperamos....🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Me voy a esperar unos dias, a ver que ocurre
#1592 por phu1983 el 03/01/2024
Creo que es la versión testeada del Quad Control... También en el mismo post piden perdón porque todavía no han sido capaces de hacer compatibles los pluggins con el Quad
#1593 por kuervo el 03/01/2024

1.0.0 (for CorOS 2.3) - Jan 3, 2024
MIDI Clock Out

Quad Cortex can now send outgoing MIDI Clock via USB, DIN, and USB+DIN. This setting can be found in the Device Settings > MIDI Settings menu.

Pinned Devices

Devices can now be pinned to the top of a model list in each model category within the Device List.

‘Made by Me’ Filter

A ‘Made by Me’ filter has been added to the Filter menu within My Captures in the Directory and the Device List.

Stomp Mode Bypass Assignment

A global setting for whether footswitches are automatically assigned to blocks' bypass settings. If you enable auto-assign, blocks will be assigned to footswitches in the order they are added to The Grid.

Swap Tempo and Tuner Access

Enable to access the Tempo settings by holding the bottom-right footswitch and access the Tuner by double‒tapping the bottom-right footswitch.

Reset Menu

A Reset menu has been added within Device Settings to organize the different reset features.

Reset Settings Option

Added a Reset Settings option to the new Device Settings > Reset menu. The Reset Settings option will reset I/O Settings parameters and Settings menu values to factory default values. The Settings > My Account menu will not be reset after performing this action.

Updated Devices
Graphic-9 EQ

UI overhaul.

HPF parameter value range is now OFF-500Hz.

Added an LPF parameter to the second tab of parameters.

The legacy Graphic-9 EQ device can be accessed through the Graphic-9 EQ parameter editor contextual menu.

Select Multiple Filter Options

You can now select multiple filters for Neural Captures within the Directory and Device List menus.

An issue where CA John's 2C amps (Ch1, Ch2, Ch3) exhibited inconsistent output levels upon initial opening of the Control application.

An issue where a device would automatically load into a Preset if it was being auditioned during a Preset change.

A Control crash that would occur after selecting the "Yes delete" button if a backup had been deleted on the Quad Cortex.

A Control crash that would occur when clicking or dragging devices during their replacement from the Directory.

An issue where the Utility icon persisted while auditioning the Looper after previously auditioning multiple Utility devices.

An issue in Gig View where a Stomp block with multiple devices retained the name of a deleted device even after new devices were added to the same Stomp block.

A Quad Cortex crash that would occur if a Setlist was deleted from Control while the Setlist deletion popup menu was displayed on the Quad Cortex.

A Control crash that would occur when clicking the Locate Preset button in the search results after its Setlist had been deleted from the Quad Cortex.

An issue where the Preset Explorer continued to display the contents of a Setlist that had been deleted on the Quad Cortex.

An issue where the Directory's search bar permitted an unlimited number of characters to be entered into the text field.

An issue where some Presets were not pasted correctly after performing a multi-selection cut/paste operation in the Directory.

An issue where using 'Save and Edit Next' to edit multiple Presets in the Directory and pressing the Enter key upon completion renamed the first selected Preset instead of the current one.

A Control crash that would occur when spamming special characters into the Directory's search bar.

An issue where the CPU percentage meter in Control did not consistently match the CPU percentage meter on the Quad Cortex.

An issue in the Preset Explorer where scrolling the folders list with text in the Search bar caused the text to disappear and prevented the Search bar from accepting new text.

An issue in the Preset Explorer where the Search results could not be scrolled to fully display all results from user Setlists.

An issue where it was not possible to set an empty bio in Device Settings > My Account using Control.

An issue where setting an empty bio through the Cortex Cloud mobile/web app resulted in a "<bio is empty>" tag appearing in Control.

An issue where a bypassed device became active after canceling the device audition.

An issue where downloading backups was not possible after power-cycling the Quad Cortex while Cortex Control was open.

An issue where a downloaded Preset could not be moved into a Setlist by dragging and dropping it onto the Setlist and then selecting a Preset slot.

An issue where Scene assignments were being cleared after canceling a device audition.

An issue where the Quick Scroll menu was missing from the Neural Captures > Downloads folder.

An issue where expression pedal assignments were getting cleared after canceling a device audition.

An issue where the mute function did not reflect on the Quad Cortex when using a Splitter/Mixer in the signal chain.

An issue where pressing the Enter key while multiple Impulse Responses were selected in the Impulse Responses folder opened The Grid.

An issue where pressing the Enter key while multiple Neural Captures were selected in any local Neural Captures folder in the Directory opened The Grid.

An issue where the first selected Preset was loaded after pressing the Enter key while multiple Presets were selected in any folder that allows loading onto The Grid.

An issue where a Neural Capture would be uploaded to the Cloud if it was dragged and dropped within a local Neural Captures folder.

An issue where the Favorites menu displayed that one Preset was selected after removing the only favorite Preset in the Favorites folder.

An issue where confirming a Cab block was not possible in preview mode when the Cab Distance and Position parameters were edited.

An issue where devices with long names were getting cut off from the audition popup message on The Grid.

An issue where a Cab's closed Parameter Editor would open when the GUI was resized in Gig View.

An issue where Cloud IRs were downloaded after being dragged and dropped anywhere in the Cloud IR folder.

An issue where a Scene-assigned bypass was removed when clicking on the Contextual Menu for a legacy device.

An issue where Input and Output blocks did not turn red in Control when they were clipping on The Grid.

An issue where lag occurred when enabling Global Bypass for Cabs and IR Loaders.

An issue where the Search bar reset after leaving and returning to Search in the Directory.

An issue where the Search bar reset after leaving and returning to search on The Grid.

An issue where changes made to the Splitter/Mixer on Quad Cortex did not register if Gig View was opened and then closed in Control while the Splitter/Mixer parameter editor was open on Quad Cortex.

An issue in the Preset Explorer window where the Favorites folder displayed a Preset named 'Unsaved' if a favorited Preset was uploaded to the Cloud, deleted, downloaded to a different slot, and then re-favorited.

A Control crash that would occur when clicking the 'Show in Directory' binocular icon in the Search results in the Preset Explorer.

An issue where, when loading a Preset with an expression pedal assigned to a device bypass, Control always showed the bypass state that the Preset was saved in, regardless of the treadle position.

An issue where, in a Preset containing a Neural Capture block, if the Capture was missing, the device could still be bypassed and enabled in Cortex Control.

An issue where Cortex Control incorrectly displayed the 'Missing IR' icon on an IR Loader device if its currently loaded Impulse Response was renamed.

A Quad Cortex crash that would occur if a Preset that was currently loaded was deleted from Control while a device's Parameter Editor was open on the Quad Cortex.

An issue where the tempo shown in the bottom menu bar was not updating when changing Presets if tempo was set to 'Preset'.

An issue where changes made to device parameters on the Quad Cortex while auditioning a device did not reflect in Cortex Control.

An issue where the Input Gate’s bypass could not be assigned to Scenes.

An issue where copy/pasting a device with multiple expression pedal assignments in Quad Cortex resulted in only one being shown in Cortex Control.

An issue where, upon saving a Preset, incorrect parameter values were displayed for parameters that were assigned to an expression pedal.

An issue where a Preset was removed from favorites after cutting and pasting the Preset to a new slot in the Directory.

An issue where the month, day, and year format used for Cloud and local backups was different on Cortex Control and Quad Cortex.

An issue where Control remained usable during a Factory Reset, leading to changes being reverted.

An issue where, when saving a Preset, a Wah device with its bypass assigned to an expression pedal (Heel-Toe bypass) sometimes displayed the incorrect bypass state.

An issue where, in a Cab block, changing the microphone model on Control did not affect the sound unless the Cab block Parameter Editor was open on the Quad Cortex.

An issue where, after rebooting Quad Cortex, Cortex Control would not load a Cloud backup until the user account was unlinked and relinked.

An issue where the active Preset highlight could be displayed in the background of Gig View when a Hybrid Mode was created as the highlight appeared.

An issue where the Splitter Crossover Frequency parameter was missing the unit text (Hz).

An issue where MIDI commands were not sent from the Quad Cortex when triggering Footswitches in Scene Mode and Stomp Mode Gig View on Cortex Control.

A Quad Cortex crash that would occur when changing a Preset using the Up/Down Footswitches during a Cloud backup.

An issue where the Preset MIDI Out 'Preset load message' submenu was not in sync between Cortex Control and Quad Cortex.

An issue where Cortex Control did not resync with the Quad Cortex after both Cortex Control and Quad Cortex were idle for a period of time.

An issue where the Cabsim in Neural Capture did not recall its previous state upon closing and reopening, unless it was also open on the Quad Cortex.

An issue in Gig View (Scene + Stomp), where reassigning a device to a new Stomp was not immediately reflected on the Quad Cortex.

An issue where saving the latest changes to a Preset resulted in the selection of the first block on The Grid.

An issue where changes made to the Tuner input drop-down menu were not reflected on the Quad Cortex while the Tuner was open on the Quad Cortex.

An issue where favorited Factory Presets remained marked as favorites even after performing a Factory Reset.

Several small UI tweaks.
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Couso Ser
#1594 por Couso Ser el 04/01/2024
Jodo, pues si que han apañao problemas. Yo con la anterior actualización si que tuve problemas con el pedal de expresión y lo arreglaron un mes mas tarde.... En esta dicen que han vuelto a arreglar ese problema, me da que pensar...... por lo pronto y esta vez no he saltado del sofá al estudio para actualizarla.... Voy a esperar a ver qué tal, que tengo bolos y ensayos y no quiero llevarme el berrinche.
#1595 por remenor el 04/01/2024
Yo también estoy reticente a actualizar.

Hay cosas que están mal, pero he aprendido a vivir con ellas jeje.

No sé que hacer...
#1596 por Metillico el 04/01/2024
Actualizad sin miedo, que no creo que pase nada.:ok:

Luego ya me váis contando. :santo: :jajaja::jajaja:

Nah, en serio, esta actualización parece más enfocada a Cortex Control, que al propio QC, y se ve que ha sido extensa. En base a los reportes de los beta testers.

No descarto que siga teniendo algún bug por ahí, pero si ya funcionaba más o menos en versión beta, ahora irá bastante mejor.

Yo, la verdad, no la estoy usando.

Es que con este cacharro apenas lo considero necesario, salvo para copia local de respaldo.:bien:
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